This HOW-TO is an supplement to the Rembo Server's documentation and to the INSTALL file in its distribution. The method explained below prepares the installation for

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Preparation for the Rembo authentication

The Rembo Wizard contain two built-in user names: root and rembo. The authentication of these users is done on the server on which the Rembo Server runs. Obviously, it is not a good idea to divulge the root password of the server machine to The Rembo Wizard's end users. It is preferable to create a non-login, public user for the authentication purposes only.  Using the operating system's system administration tool (linuxconf, YaST, ...) or just by editing /etc/passwd and /etc/group, do the following:

The authentication for the installation could be as follows in the rembo.conf of the Rembo Server:

AuthLocalDomain remboauth {
UserGroup "comp"
GROUP test {
	Options unicast
	AuthDomain "remboauth"
	# triumph
	Host 00:02:b3:1a:5f:16 {
		StartPage "net://global/rembowiz.shtml"

If the server's operating system supports PAM-authentication and Rembo Toolkit's version is 1.1.017 or superior, you can create a file /etc/pam.d/rembo with following, example contents for RedHat 7.1 server (you can use LDAP, or other suitable service for your organization):

auth required /lib/security/ service=system-auth
account required /lib/security/ service=system-auth

Following example is for the Solaris 8 PAM authentication file /etc/pam.conf:

# Rembo Client Authentication Requests
rembo auth required /usr/lib/security/$ISA/
rembo account required /usr/lib/security/$ISA/ 

Binary installation of a Rembo Toolkit [version]

For example, Rembo Toolkit [release] = 1.1 [version] = 008. Distribution is downloaded from the Rembo's web shop and placed in the shared NFS-directory /csadmin/common/install/rembo/dist/ in the following example.

cd /opt

tar xvzf /csadmin/common/install/rembo/dist/rembo-[release].[version]_linux.tgz

- or -

tar xvf /csadmin/common/install/rembo/dist/rembo-[release].[version]_solaris.tar

mv rembo-[release] rembo-[release].[version]
rm -f rembo
ln -s rembo-[release].[version] rembo
cd rembo
mv rembo.conf rembo.conf_dist

- create /opt/rembo/files to point to a free disk space big enough (+10GB) (if on NFS, use option nolock), for example, on a mounting point /rembo

- make the rembo file system mounting point writable to the administration  group comp

chmod 775 /rembo
chown [you] /rembo
chgrp comp /rembo 
cd /rembo
mkdir files
ln -s /rembo/files /opt/rembo/files

- still on the (example /rembo) file system, with the installation group name comp, create configuration file (the example rembo.conf is in the Appendices).

cd /rembo
cp /csadmin/common/install/rembo/conf_examples/rembo.conf .
mkdir RCS
chmod 775 RCS
chown [you] RCS
chgrp comp RCS
ci -u rembo.conf
ln -s /rembo/rembo.conf /opt/rembo/rembo.conf

- install the license key that you have obtained from the Rembo Shop (on example, the key is stored in the shared NFS-directory /csadmin/common/install/rembo/dist/ and installed on the /rembo file system)

cd /rembo
cp /csadmin/common/install/rembo/dist/rembo.key_[release] .
ln -s /rembo/rembo.key_[release] /opt/rembo/rembo.key

- start The Rembo Server on a new file system

/opt/rembo/rembo -d -v 3

- .... WAIT until crypto key is generated ... and leave in foreground.

- log in as root on an other window and install Rembo plugin distribution on Rembo file system

cd /opt/rembo
vi (replace (pass)word "install" by "rembo")

- stop now the foreground running rembo server with CTRL-C

- Take the rembo startup script from the initd.[os-specific] directory, and install it on /etc/init.d, for example (the referred below is in the Appendices),

cp /csadmin/common/install/rembo/initd.rh71/ /etc/init.d/
- or -
cp /csadmin/common/install/rembo/initd.solaris8/ /etc/init.d/

- Compile on the target system a program that allows any user to call the above with supervisor's privileges. For example (the rembo.c referred below is in the Appendices),

cd /tmp
cc -o rembo /csadmin/common/install/rembo/initd/rembo.c
mv rembo /etc/init.d/rembo
chmod +s /etc/init.d/rembo

- Make sure that there is a symbolic link from the rembo's default installation directory to the actual, /opt based installation:

ln -s /opt/rembo /usr/local/rembo

- It may occur that TiNA (Time Navigator, a product of Atempo) is used as backup daemon later to backup Rembo file system. Check now that TiNA (or other non-root user) can stop/start Rembo. If OK, leave The Rembo Server running on background.

su - tina
/etc/init.d/rembo start
/etc/init.d/rembo stop
/etc/init.d/rembo start

- Make the required links on the System V init.d directories so that Rembo will start automatically on the server, for example, again as root (example for RedHat Linux 7.1 and for Solaris8)
- Note: For the startup, you will call the actual script /etc/init.d/ and not the root privilege interface program /etc/init.d/rembo

cd /etc/rc.d/rc3.d
- or Solaris:-
cd /etc/rc3.d

ln -s ../init.d/ S65rembo
ln -s ../init.d/ K65rembo

- RedHat Linux only: -
cd /etc/rc.d/rc5.d
ln -s ../init.d/ S65rembo
ln -s ../init.d/ K65rembo



Initial Rembo configuration file used at the ESRF

# ESRF Rembo NBP config file
# Modified: $Date: 2002/03/05 15:04:23 $

# BaseDir <string>
# Specifies the home dir for the server. All paths can then be
# specified as relative to this base directory
# e.g. Basedir "c:/bootrom/rembo"
BaseDir "/opt/rembo"

# NetPassword <string>
# This password will protect your server against illegal access
# to the server's files through netclnt
# This option is mandatory
NetPassword "rembo"

# Interfaces <ip-addresses>
# Specify the server IP addresses on which you want Rembo to
# receive and send packets
# When not specified, Rembo uses the IP address bound to the host name

# ESRF DCHP servers will provide the initial PXE answer
# ESRF: We allow the UDP and MCAST datagrams to cross just one router
#       Note that other, client side limitations may have been programmed
#       to the initial StartPage file.

AuthLocalDomain remboauth {
  UserGroup "comp"

# Collect all non-defined hosts here
GROUP Default {
    Options unicast
    AuthDomain "remboauth"
    StartPage "net://global/rembowiz_nodefs.shtml"
# end of rembo.conf

/etc/init.d/ used at the ESRF for RedHat 7.1 servers

# Sample init script for starting REMBO automatically on boot-up
# For RedHat Linux 7.x

# This is the path where REMBO is installed
cmdline="${REMBODIR}/rembo -v 3 -c ${REMBODIR}/rembo.conf"

# Source function library.
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

check_that_running() {	# verify that the named process(es) running, else error
        pid=`/bin/ps -ef |
             	/bin/grep $1 | /bin/grep -v $0 | /bin/grep -v $$ |
                /bin/grep -v "rembo start" |
                /bin/grep -v "rembo stop" |
                /bin/grep -v "rembo restart" |
                /bin/grep -v "rembo reload" |
                /bin/grep -v " start" |
                /bin/grep -v " stop" |
                /bin/grep -v " restart" |
                /bin/grep -v " reload" |
                /bin/grep -v "tina_" |
                /bin/grep -v "emacs " |
                /bin/grep -v "vi " |
                /bin/grep -v "view " |
		/bin/grep -v grep | /bin/awk '{print \$2 }'  `
	echo "    check_that_running():"
        if [ "$pid" = "" ]
		echo "    - no process(es) named $1 running"
		echo -n "    - error exit from script"
		echo ""
		exit 1
		echo "    - named process(es) $1 are running ($pid)"

check_that_not_running() {      # verify that the named process(es) not there
        pid=`/bin/ps -ef |
                /bin/grep $1 | /bin/grep -v $0 | /bin/grep -v $$ |
                /bin/grep -v "rembo start" |
                /bin/grep -v "rembo stop" |
                /bin/grep -v "rembo restart" |
                /bin/grep -v "rembo reload" |
                /bin/grep -v " start" |
                /bin/grep -v " stop" |
                /bin/grep -v " restart" |
                /bin/grep -v " reload" |
                /bin/grep -v "tina_" |
                /bin/grep -v "emacs " |
                /bin/grep -v "vi " |
                /bin/grep -v "view " |
                /bin/grep -v grep | /bin/awk '{print \$2 }'  `
        echo "    check_that_not_running():"
        if [ "$pid" != "" ]
                echo "    - named process(es) $1 still running ($pid)"
                echo -n "    - error exit from script"
		echo ""
                exit 1
                echo "    - no process(es) named $1 running"

killmasterprocess() {	# finds out the process forked by daemon(), kills it
	pid=`/bin/ps -ef | /bin/grep $1 | /bin/grep -v $0 | /bin/grep -v $$ |
                /bin/grep -v "rembo start" |
                /bin/grep -v "rembo stop" |
                /bin/grep -v "rembo restart" |
                /bin/grep -v "rembo reload" |
                /bin/grep -v " start" |
                /bin/grep -v " stop" |
                /bin/grep -v " restart" |
                /bin/grep -v " reload" |
                /bin/grep -v "tina_" |
                /bin/grep -v "emacs " |
                /bin/grep -v "vi " |
                /bin/grep -v "view " |
		/bin/grep -v grep |  awk '{printf ("parent%s %s\n",\$3,\$2);}' |
		grep "parent1 " | awk '{print \$2}' `
	echo "    killmasterprocess():"
        if [ "$pid" = "" ]
		echo "    - could not find process(es) named $1 forked by (1)"
		echo "    - kill(1):signal($2),process($pid),named($1),forked by (1)"
		kill $2 $pid

echo "/etc/init.d/rembo:"
case "$1" in 
	check_that_not_running rembo
	echo "    - Starting rembo with commandline"
	echo -n "      $cmdline"
	daemon $cmdline > /dev/null 2>&1
	sleep 2
	echo ""
	check_that_running rembo
	killmasterprocess rembo -TERM
	sleep 2
	check_that_not_running rembo
	check_that_running rembo
	killmasterprocess rembo -HUP
	sleep 2
	check_that_running rembo
	killmasterprocess rembo -TERM
	sleep 2
	check_that_not_running rembo
	echo "    - Starting rembo with commandline"
	echo -n "      $cmdline"
	daemon $cmdline > /dev/null 2>&1
	sleep 2
	echo ""
	check_that_running rembo
	echo -n "    usage: rembo {start|stop|restart|reload}"
	echo ""
	exit 1
echo -n "    exiting - no errors"
echo ""
exit 0

rembo.c source code for the /etc/init.d/rembo used at the ESRF for RedHat 7.1 servers

/* This is a wrapper program to execute script */
#include <sys/wait.h>
int main(int narg,
	  char *argv[])

  char command[128];
  char buff[80];
  int i,rc;
  strcpy(command,"/etc/init.d/ ");
  /* get stdin and stdout, stderr OK */
  if ( WIFEXITED(rc) != 0 ) {
  else {

18 Nov 2002

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