NOTE: V1.1 Archive - Latest Version

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Admin Menu

Admin Menu

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Administrator's menu is entered from the main menu of The Rembo Wizard. It is password protected unless server's global level password policy states otherwise.

Warning! Most of the functionalities presented in the administration menu can provoke loss of data.

Starts the host level configuration dialog. Basically, allows you to view and modify configuration parameters in the host's autoload file on the server
Start Rembo's File Manager on the system partition of the hard disk
Select and open system image archives on the server, both base image and differential images of the host. In the interactive mode, the archive images are kept open so that they can manipulated with Rembo's functions from the command line
Show the console and the interactive Rembo-C evaluator
Start Rembo's Partition Manager

Load and launch the entire Rembo Pro Interactive Toolkit.
Note: The Rembo Wizard does not use any of the host or group level persistent parameters that are set using Rembo's own wizards

  22 Apr 2002

NOTE: V1.1 Archive - Latest Version 

Copyright © 2002 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France.
 Rembo is a trademark of Rembo Technology Sarl, Geneva, Switzerland
 All other trademarks presented are propriety of their respective owners.